Get Down on the Floor!

Strangely enough, for me, weddings are the most challenging gigs I get. It’s my client’s most special day, and they’re nervous, not sure how the party’s gonna go, not sure if their guests will have fun, not sure how they look, worried if that...

All up in the Club

It’s true. For at least half of my career, I’ve been all up in the club.It’s a side of me I keep separate from…well…you, truth be told. But it dawned on me tonight that some of you might like to know about the ridiculous club nights...


Hello, friends! I hope you’re doing well–eating right, working hard and staying warm. My calendar is starting to fill up with confirmed bookings that include NYU’s Weekend on the Square (thanks, Joey!), the New York Horticultural Society’s...

Me and Snoop Dogg

2018 went out with a bang-izzle. I was invited by AEG Live to warm up the room for Snoop Dogg’s big New Year’s Eve show at Terminal 5. It was the perfect way to end an insanely busy year full of music: Thousands of people moving and grooving and singing...

Time Keeps on Slipping

Feels like it’s slipping right outta my fingers these days. I’ve been working around the clock, practically, stopping only to turn in for the night. The hollerdays are here, so is the cheer, and thank goodness for this beer in the fridge cuz the chamomile...

Music Is My Life

“Everybody dance now!” Why is it always the commercial ones that get stuck in my head? Like, just this morning, I keep hearing/singing, over and over, that beginning scream the Londonbeat dude does in “I’ve Been Thinking About You.”...