It’s true. (The thing about ESP.) I mean…It’s probably true. My Grandma had it, too. Like…I’ll see someone in my thoughts, and they call. So many times I’ll call someone else, and they say “I was just talking about you.” And I’m really good at finding things my wife loses. When I’m out and about, sometimes I get a feeling that I’ll see someone I know, and presto–there they are. And sometimes, I’ll even think of things happening, and they happen, almost immediately.

Just the other day, the first day back from my gig in Florence, I said “watch me get another gig in Italy now, somewhere else.” What happens? I open up an email asking me about spinning a wedding in Venice. No lie! Absolutely crazy.

Anyways, Florence was magnificent. What a town. And the food? Soooooooo delicious. Ingredients taste like they were just plucked from the ground. Wine tastes so pure and straightforward. Every single stinking piece of pasta is perfectly prepared. I burned my mouth multiple times, not being able to wait for things to cool. And there’s no fuss, no fusion, no social-media frenzies, just pure people and pure cuisine. Amo Firenze!

Before I left, I went to Arthur Ave to buy this shirt I saw in a window over there. I liked the blues and abstract shapes. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?? Hideous! Even uglier on. Grandpa status. And you see those vertical rectangles? THEY’RE SEE-THROUGH! Why would you do that? What was the thought process? I wish I could’ve been in the design room, fly on the wall, witnessing the eureka moment Gorgio Whatever the Fungu had that gave the world see-through rectangles.

Untermyer Gardens is magnificent. There’s an End of Summer Garden Party I’m deejaying this Saturday. It’s going to be marvelous. And for a limited time only, use the discount code “15off” (no quotes) and you get $15 off your tickets. All proceeds are covering costs for this event. Nobody’s making a dime. (Not even me.) Once costs are covered, the rest of the proceeds go to the garden itself. It still needs lots of tender, loving care. I’m betting you can write this off, too.

Hope to see you Friday night at the 80s VS 90s party.


Herbert Holler Signature

PS – Next time you’re on Yelp, please stop by my page, say something nice, gimme 5!